Battery Recycling

If you think about the number of batteries you use in a year, the number may astound you. Batteries are one of the best inventions, but since their advent in 1800 by Allesandro Volta and their ubiquitous adoption as they became more user-friendly, billions of batteries have ended up in landfills and more are added each year. It's imperative that battery recycling be used by all of us in order to reduce this waste and conserve landfill space.
Rocky Mountain Battery Services in Fort Collins offers battery recycling services. There are different processes for recycling because batteries are made from different components, some of which contain harmful chemicals that can leach into our drinking water. When you partner with us and bring us your used batteries, you'll be ensuring the health and safety of all life on the planet.
In addition, our recycling company offers battery sales, too. We are conveniently located in North Fort Collins. With an easy-to-use drop-off process, you'll be in and out in no time and back on your way. Recycling batteries is a small way you can help keep our environment clean for future generations. Our family-owned business can help answer any questions you may have about the battery recycling process, or about our batteries for sale.
To learn more about which types of batteries we recycle, as well as our other recycling services we offer, please give us a call as this list can change.